During this exercise, I was tasked with creating a simple game on a web page, styled using CSS, and logically handled using JavaScript, where a random set of numbers would be generated, as well as a corresponding "grid" of additional randomly generated numbers, stored in an array and arranged using CSS. When these numbers on the grid were clicked, they would be compared to the first set of numbers, then, any matches would be removed from the grid, and an appropriate number of points would be awarded based on the amount of entries on the grid removed. Multiple web pages were prepared for different grid configuations, and instructions were written for generating random numbers, populating the grid, comparing numbers, and resetting the game. View the source code on GitHub here.
Web Stock Viewers
As part of my education in more advanced aspects of web development, using a combination of an API developed by my professor and the 1.0 version of the IEXtrading API. The program was designed to call a list of companies from the former API, then call and display its data from the latter. As the final project in this course, I was placed into a group with other students to develop a more elaborate version of this app, where a user could log in, then view and change stocks they were following. Unfortunately, due to changes to the IEXtrading API, these projects are no longer functional as they are. However, please feel free to view their source code to view an example of my experience with web based API implementation.
See the source code of the first version here.
See the source code of the second version here.
WordPress Blog
In order to familiarize myself further with Content Management Systems, I installed an implemented a WordPress blog onto this site, which, after customizing the CSS and HTML, I now use it to provide updates on my experiences and thoughts as I develop my skills as a developer. View the blog here.
For a preview of my blog's content, please see a dynamically generated list of my blog's 3 most recent entries below.