As an assignment to develop my skills in Java, I developed a program to parse text entry, looking for specific words (in this case, the intent was to parse a recipie as an example, and detect specific foods) and output a list of detected words. This project can be found on GitHub here.
Stack Data Structure Implementation
As an exercise to further my development as a Java programmer and my understanding of data structures, I developed a program that would scan input for brackets, ie, "(), [], {}" and, when detecting an opening bracket, would push it onto a stack and when detectecting a corresponding closing bracket, would pop that bracket from the stack. Once parsing of input was complete, it would assess if the brackets contained within were syntactically correct by checking if the stack was empty. This was accomplished through the instantiation of a "stack" function, with appropriate instructions for initializing and pushing or popping items in and out of the stack. View it on GitHub here.
Tree, via Stack and Queue
Furthering this understanding of data structures, I developed a fully traversible tree data structure through the implementation of discretely coded and instantiated classes for stack and queue data structures in order to dynamically build and traverse this tree, to complete this, error handling for unbalanced trees, invalid input, and data structures being called incorrectly was implelented. View this project on GitHub here.