As an exercise in gaining familiarity with Python and PyGame, I was tasked with recreating classic, simple games, such as Pong and Space Invaders, within that framework. From there I, along with a team, collaborated on a series of new features, and were then tasked with integrating them into a shared project. Both projects incorporated implementing a controller for the purposes of handling user input, the implementation of listeners for both detecting user input, handling events such as collision and scoring by monitoring the position of game elements, and implementing a simple AI that reacts to the game state in real time, in the case of pong. View Pong on GitHub here. View Space Invaders on GitHub here.
Godot - Trial Of Champions
Later in the same program, I was tasked with developing a full game over the course of two weeks. To that end, using the Godot game engine, and the GDscript language developed specifically for that engine, I created a full turn based battle system, using state managment to handle transistioning between turns, transistioning between screens, and the storage, reading, and writing of stored values to manage the game state. In order to accomplish this, each game object was assigned a node, complete with a discrete set of functions for handling each facet of the gameplay, such as performing operations to adjust values, and playing animations. For user interaction, I designed and implemented a complete user interface from scratch, complete with a shop and level up system. In order to add themeing to the project, open source art assets, music, and sound effects were adapted and integrated into the final project. View it on GitHub here.